While the Ragdoll’s exact development is not clear, most believe it was developed in California. The Ragdoll got its name because while it can be playful, some times it remains motionless and limp, like a ragdoll. This breed is large and heavy with a semi-long silky coat that does require frequent brushing or combing to avoid mats. There are four traditional colors of seal, chocolate, blue and lilac with three divisions in each; solid or color point, parti-color mitted and parti-color bicolor. The Ragdoll is also known as the most polite and quiet of the cat breeds plus they also enjoy children. Just like most cats, they love a good patting; they will not pester you for attention like some breeds.
All of the 47 different cat breeds and colors we carry are made of sturdy stone resin, and has been carefully designed to be as accurate as possible. Extensive research and meticulous details make each figurine museum quality. With eyes that seem to sparkle, these hand painted, top quality representations are available in 47 different breeds and colors. Each figurine averages 4 inches to 5 inches in their longest dimension with dozens of different products available using each cat!