Tiger Earrings Post

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Part Number:AHE11A
Tigers have the distinction of being the heaviest cats found in the wild. The most common of the nine subspecies, (three of which are now extinct with the rest all protected) of tigers is the Bengal. The average life span of the Tiger is 10 to 15 years but they live well into their twenties in captivity. The typical tiger has a rust red coat with white fringes that surround the face and the black stripes for which the tiger is best known. Most adult tigers have over 100 stripes and just like the human fingerprint are unique to that animal alone. Their stripe pattern is how researchers or zoo workers can identify each individual. Tigers can vary in color from the dark rust most people are familiar with, to what is called a Golden Tabby or Strawberry Tiger, which has a thicker fur, with more white, lighter color rust and BROWN stripes not black. There have been reports, without photographs of a blue and a black tiger as well. Then of course there is the White Tiger…

Using hypoallergenic surgical steel with gold plating, we mounted our Tiny Ones specie specific heads creating a very unique pair of post earrings that are such a perfect gift for anyone, including yourself, for birthdays or holidays. All items are individually packaged, ready to give as a gift, or hang in your store. Great item for that special someone!
Click here to learn more about the Tiger http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiger

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