White Oriental Shorthaired Standard Figurine

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Part Number:CF19
The Oriental Shorthair is a Siamese Hybrid. It is thought it was developed in England where they crossed the Siamese with a British Shorthaired cat in the 1950’s. Naturally the Siamese breeders were not happy with the hybrid, but due to the instant popularity of the new breed, it remains as one of today’s top cat breeds. This breed is not as vocal as its Siamese relatives and comes in as many as 300 different colors and patterns. These cats are long and lean with intense oval eyes. Almost like a human child, this cat breed is a temperamental breed that needs to be the constant center of attention and if ignored or overlooked will become sensitive and cranky.

All of the 47 different cat breeds and colors we carry are made of sturdy stone resin, and has been carefully designed to be as accurate as possible. Extensive research and meticulous details make each figurine museum quality. With eyes that seem to sparkle, these hand painted, top quality representations are available in 47 different breeds and colors. Each figurine averages 4 inches to 5 inches in their longest dimension with dozens of different products available using each cat!
Click here to learn more about the White Oriental Shorthaired http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oriental_cat

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